Theme: Max & Alec Credits: x x x x Lyrics: With or Without You - U2 - less information
Theme: Josh & Annie Credits: x x x x - less information
Theme: Ben & Alec Credits: x x x x x x - less information
Theme: Max & Alec Credits: x x x Lyrics: Hot'n'Cold by Katy Perry - less information
Theme: Max & Alec Credits: x x x x x x x Lyrics: Salt in Our Wounds by H.I.M. - less information
Theme: Max & Alec Credits: x x x Lyrics: Always by Saliva - less information
Theme: Max & Lydecker Credits: x x x Lyrics: Ride the Storm by U.D.U. - less information
Theme: Max & Alec Credits: x x x x Lyrics: To The Moon & Back by Savage Garden - less information