Updates - 28th December 2006

Okay, I have a few little updates today. First of all, as many of you know I dropped the Site of the Month in April of 2006 due to the fact that I just didn't have the time to continue it and do updates with all of my disappearances from the internet. So I have decided that with a nice, fresh start for 2007, I will bring back the SOTM, and to kick start the new year my first site of the month will be Winchesterfan.com an amazing site for all Supernatural fans, with loads to keep you busy and be sure to check out the awesome cartoons! They made me giggle.

Aside from a new SOTM, I am also adding in a new affiliate, Ehlwyen, an amazing artist whose work I became more familiar with due to hanging out in the Buffyworld forums more recently. Her site is Quicksand and she's got loads of Supernatural art, so I've been loitering around her site ever since picking up a button just gazing at all the pretties. Anyway go over there and check it out already!

And last on the agenda, I have yet another two wallpapers. Bet you can't guess who features in them, huh? I have one wallpaper from season one of Dark Angel, the episode 'Pollo Loco' featuring Max and Ben, as well as a new Supernatural piece from The Benders featuring Dean. (Yes, there is a connection. Jensen hunted people in Pollo Loco, giving them a weapon, keeping their teeth... then in the Benders Jensen hunted the blokes who did the hunting, and I just had to giggle when he picked up the teeth in that episode, it was so Ben!) Anyway, I had found Benders promos and got a little inspiration to do one of each side of Jensen. Thought I'd share that little story for you. My next piece might be a crossover between the two episodes if I can figure out how to do it, :P Anyway you can see my new additions here. Thanks guys!
Updates - 25th December 2006

Well it's 3am for me here in Scotland, so if anyone is visiting then have an awesome Christmas! I managed to get the flu so with all my spare time in the last couple of days I have been wrapping presents and doing loads more Supernatural and Jensen related fanart. So I am updating with a grand total of five new pieces since my last update (only two days ago - it's not technically the 25th yet as I haven't slept yet, :P). So rather than linking all the pages you can see them all here. I have one Sam & John Winchester piece, one of all the Winchester men, a second wallpaper from In My Time of Daying this time featuring Sam and Dean, a Crossroad Blues piece featuring Sam and Dean; and lastly I have a new Dark Angel piece... yes... featuring Jensen, obviously! My Dark Angel piece is inspired by a Challenge over at the BW Forums although the challenge was just for BtVS and Angel I just couldn't think of any couple who had a Forbidden Love quite like Max and Alec, so the inspiration lead to another couple piece for them. Hope you like, and again MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Updates - 22nd December 2006

I'm back with some more art, another two Supernatural pieces, one is from the season one episode Asylum, featuring Sam and the other from the season two episode In My Time of Dying featuring John Winchester, you can view them on their episodic pages I just lined to, or head over to my recent additions and take a look. Hope you like them, I've got more coming soon!
Updates - 20th December 2006

Okay, a huge disappearance again. I've done all of my finals now, finished uni for the Christmas break, been to Spain, come back and managed to do all my decorating, shopping, writing cards, and everything else necessary at Christmas, and now I am back online and catching up! To start off, if I haven't already dropped it off to you (which is a lot of people, sorry!) then I have a little Christmas for all my friends & affiliates that you can collect here. On that note a huge thank you to everyone for dropping off Christmas gifts, I've added them all to my gifts page and you can view them here.

Since last upating Radiance I also won three more wallpaper awards all from the second round of the Sunnydale Fanart Awards. I managed to snag the Judge's pick award, Winner of the Best Spike wallpaper and also got runner up in the Het Couple category, so I'm quite pleased. Although I have to say the Spike wallpaper I did, I don't really like all that much, so totally shocked it won anything, lol!

Also on the update front, I re-did the art page a little, so that there are direct links to Supernatural and Veronica Mars art in the side navigation rather than having to go through the other series page. I also added in two more versions of the last Mac/Alec piece to the Dark Angel page and swapped the thumbnail over. More wallpaper updates though after I found two Jossverse wallpapers I had done but somehow managed to totally forget to add to the site, one is from Angel Season Five from the episode 'Unleashed', and the other from Buffy Season Four from the episode 'Who Are You'. But the wallpaper update doesn't end there, I have another two Supernatural wallpapers, on my brand new Supernatural page, one featuring Dean and the other is from the episode in season one 'Faith'. To view all my new art, go here.

Okay, I think that's everything now, hope you like the new art. Also before I go, just incase I don't get a chance to update again I hope everyone has an awesome Christmas and all the best for the new year!
Updates - 29th November 2006

Continuing with my Jensen kick, I have done some Supernatural art... one piece from Dead in the Water, which I am not very impressed with at all and just added it because I gave up on it in Photoshop, and another piece which I did after hours of *cough* studying, so that's my excuses. The second piece I do actually quite like, it's from the promo pictures of Jensen, and uses one of the songs from the show 'Carry on my Wayward Son' by Kansas. Anyway, if you're interested the art can be seen along with all my other recent art here or on the supernatural page, here.
Updates - 3rd November 2006

Okay, where the hell have I been? Well I went to Toronto right after my last update for the Film Festival, and started university pretty much right after getting back. I have also been in and out of hospitals and doctors surgerys, oh fun. I found out I'm kind of... ill - I guess is the word, so now I have to take to medication, which means I have up days and down days, which sort of sucks. I've been struggling to catch up at university and work what with being off to the docs now and then, but on the whole things are all good. I'm going to try and update as often as I can for the tim being and in three weeks time my term finishes (I know, already!) so I'll be back to make sure all my sites are back and in full working order for the new year, hopefully by then things will have calmed down, and I would have caught up! I've just sat a bunch of exams this week, so here's hoping I aced them! Now... on with the updates!

I have added in two new wallpapers, both of them are from Dark Angel season two, and both feature Max/Alec, purely because I'm on a Jensen kick right now and haven't quite gotten around to making any Supernatural art yet. I have also added in some awards that I picked up through entering a couple of challenges at the Buffy World forums, thanks to Bre and Dee for sending them my way, *hugs* to you guys! I also added in my Halloween Gifts, thanks to everyone who dropped one off! I think that's all I have for now, oh for any affiliates I didn't drop this to, I have a really crap halloween gift, over here.
Updates - 8th Septemeber 2006

Well if you've noticed all the changes going lately with wallpapers and icons in my attempt to make this site more navigationally friendly, it's not just been little changes, it's all been building toward something, and I have finally finished re-vamping Radiance now! When I got my sites back I did say that I was going to turn them around and make them bigger and better, so, true to my word here is the new version of Radiance: A Beautiful Killer. Credits for the layout can be found here.

Now part of the bigger and better layout is, well it's bigger. I decided to really space things out and make everything clearer and neater so this version is about 900px wide, so 800x600 users will suffer a little with this layout. It is designed for 1024x768 and above. Sorry guys!

At the top of each page you'll find the whole site cut down neatly into categories, art - for the wallpaper archive; icons; goodies - where to find brushes, gradients, tutorials etc; www - where to find everything web related. Within each of these categories I have the links to the right to navigate through each section.

Right, now, I am off on holiday! I was desperately trying to get this done before I left, so please if you notice any kinks or broken links just drop me a line and alert me to my errors! Hope you like the new version guys!
Updates - 6th Septemeber 2006

Sorry for leaving this for so long! Well I have a bit of an update today, yay! I have four new wallpapers to add in, I lost inspiration and couldn't make anything so decided to check out a few challenges and since then, I've managed to produce four new Angel pieces. You can view them at the recent walls section, or head on over to the BtVS/AtS wallpaper section and view them all from there.

On top of the art update I also have new affiliates to add in, ooo! Yes, I have finally added Zugma's amazing site Ugly Business as an affiliate, her work is utterly awesome and her tutorials are a great read and have some awesome tips for you to check out. My second affiliate is Jo's site Brutal Affection which is a new site on my radar, but another great fanart site, so check them out already!
Updates - 31st August 2006

And now I've finally finished reorganising the wallpapers, woo hoo! So Everything is all bundles together in their own little categories now, so hopefully it should make browsing easier. Actors and actresses relating to TV series are bundles in with the shows so go there to view anyone like Sarah Michelle Gellar, etc. Basically any wallpapers in the other females, other males or movies categories are about a decade old - and while I did delete some of them, I did leave quite a few, even although they are absolutely shocking in quality!

Anyway, on with the update... not only did I manage all these fabulous updates, but I've also finished another two wallpapers, everyone go: oooo! It's true. One is a Tru Calling piece featuring Harrison, so new Tru Calling page here, and the other is from Firefly featuring Inarri, and again, a new Firefly page, here! Or you can view them in my recent walls section.

Hope you like the new navigation!
Updates - 30th August 2006

Just started re-doing the way the wallpapers are organised just now, so it's in a little bit of dissarray until I get it all sorted out, but I've started going through all the BtVS and AtS wallpapers and re-doing those pages. So if you go here you'll see how to find your way around the walls, :D I have also added in two new pieces, both from season three of Angel, one from Waiting in the Wings featuring Angel/Cordy and the other from A New World featuring Connor & Angel, you can see them both in my recent wallpapers.

Updates - 27th August 2006

Okay, so this may not seem like much of an update but it took forever, so cut me some slack! I basically ripped out my icon archive and re-did it in this funky new easy-to-find my icons archive. In the navigation bar you will now see I have it cut down to Buffy, Angel, Veronica Mars, Movies and icons that I have made specifically for friends. So if that doesn't make the navigation easier then I don't know what will, :P I've also used Icon Sort within these categories to keep all the icons neat and tidy for your viewing. I had to update the recent icons page too so that it had the new URLs for the icons, :) But I think I've worked out all the kinks now. I'm off to bed now, lol, night folks!

Updates - 24th August 2006

*Yawns* Long day at the office updating today, lol, but here I have another new wallpaper... well two versions of the same wallpaper, from the season five episode of Angel, Hellbound, featuring Fred and Spike, so you can nip over to my most recent walls or head here for season five angel walls. :) Hope you like it, I'm not one hundred percent on my feelings on it just now, but hey.

Updates - 22nd August 2006

Okay, well I've had the film festival for the last week hence my slight lack of updates, my bad! Anyway I just wanted to update with twelve new Veronica icons that I did for a challenge, so you can view them all over here or see the teasers and my other "recent" icons here. Hope you like!

Updates - 16th August 2006

Well I've got around to making a new wallpaper, ooooo, everyone say oo! It's been a long time so I hope you like it. It's a wallpaper of Michael Muhney who you'll know as Sheriff Lamb in Veronica Mars, and you can view it on the Veronica Mars wallpapers page (I'm going to make a link to it at the side eventually like with BtVS/Ats), or you can check out my recent wallpapers and see it there. :)

I have also added in a new affiliate, Reflection, this site is Amber's personal art site and I'm glad to have her as one of my artists over at Wallflowers as well so go and check out some of her work! :D

Updates - 9th August 2006

I'm Back Baby!!!!!

Okay for those of you who didn't know these last few months have been overly hectic for me, first of all my laptop went on fire, so I was without a laptop for about a month, then my sites expired so I had to quickly download everything, get new hosting packages etc and then re-upload EVERYTHING! Not to mention I had my end of year exams at uni, and then to top it all off I had a bit of a run in at work which backfired and left me working 12 hour shifts and 7 day weeks for most of the summer, so I have been too knackered to come online and update, *sighs* But I've ran out of excuses now, things at work have settled, I have my new laptop and I have loads of space now to come back and kick ass with my sites again!

Anyway on with the show, I have kick-started my new season of updates with a brand new layout for Radiance... okay when I say brand new layout all I really did was change the colours and graphic, yes I know a little lame, but still, look at it, it's all shiny and new! It won't last long, when I get a chance to dig my nails into the artworld again it'll change to something newer, shinier and better, :P The image is actually a resized version of a widescreen wallpaper that I did, but I did something like 14 versions of it and couldn't make up my mind which one(s) to add to Radiance, so they're not quite online just yet, oops!

Okay, and next on my update list is the fact that I won a couple of awards from the Sunnydale Fanart Awards in their first round. A big HUGE thank you to whoever nominated me, and a HUGE thank you to the site for voting Radiance as the Best Fanart Website. You can see the award here. I also had one of my wallpapers nominated, and got the Runner-Up in the 'Best Slash Wallpaper' category, so I have created a new little section for wallpaper awards, here, so nip over and you can see my little award. :)

Last little announcement, as I have been unable to check my mail regularly some of the award applications were deleted and others lost, :S Sorry to everyone that applied, please come back and apply again, I do apologise for my random disappearance! Same applies to anyone that emailed asking to be affiliates, please get back in touch with me and I'll reply to you!

Aside from that I just want to say "Hi!" to all of my arty friends online - I've missed you all so much and can't wait to catch up again, hope things have been well for you!

Updates - 23rd April 2006

Another quick update, just adding in a new Sarah Michelle Gellar piece that I've done, not sure I like it all that much, but hey. Anyway you can see it here along with the other BtVS actors and actresses, or just head over to my recent additions. :D
Updates - 16th April 2006

Okay I'm sure there's something that I have forgotten to update, so you may find me adding it in later tonight, but for now I have some new Spangel art, ooo. I did two wallpapers, and a few versions of one of them, so you can catch them here. And the big one... I did a massive post over at Livejournal with 70 new Spike & Angel icons, which you can find here. So hope you like, :D
Updates - 10th April 2006

First of all on the update list, I have a new affiliate, yay, one of Sara's hostees Sarah Beth's site Discover X so you can go and check that out!

Next on the list however... art update! Yes I have two new wallpapers to add in, not too sure I like the first of them but hey! They are both from Becoming so you can see them in my recent adds or in here. :D Hope you like!
Updates - 6th April 2006

Oh my god, I can't believe how long it has been since my last update here! Shame on me! While I haven't had my laptop both Wallflowers and Superfine have managed to get updated, so I have no excuses! Well - I could always say that the art I've been working on is for later... which is true I have been working on Spangel icons and a wallpaper for April 13th, my date at Spring Spangel. So far I have seventy icons and one wallpaper, so be sure to check out that update! :P I'm trying to save myself for then though, and who knows I may do more between now and then! :P

Back to real updates however, Radiance is the Site of the Month over at Misplaced Moments, so a huge thank you to Nikki for that award! *gushes* which you can view here. And onto my Site of the Month, funnily enough with a Spangel award... which has not in any way been cut from said Spangel wallpaper *looks innocent*, anyway April's site of the month here is Elucidation, Dee's amazing website, go there just for the sheer amount of gorgeous art if nothing else, though there are some handy resources too, very pretty all around, so go there now! :P Anyway, I should be back for another update shortly!
Updates - 26th March 2006

Slight update warning here people! I don't have my laptop, and I am on a borrowed, pretty knackered laptop at the moment, so there be a slight dip in the updates! Just as a warning, :S But on the plus side I have good news... Radiance has won an award! Yay! Thank you to Nikki from Misplaced Moments for this fab award, love to you hun!

Also on this update, three new Veronica Mars wallpapers! Okay... so that's a lie. It's one new wallpaper with three different versions again. I cheated. You can check them out at the link above or head to Recent Wallpapers to view them. :) It's from the season two episode 'My Mother the Fiend'. Hope you like them!
Updates - 21st March 2006

I've had a Veronica Mars art kick! I have four new wallpapers for you guys! Wowza! Well you can view the recent additions or just head on over to the VM walls to check them out. Okay it's not really four, it's two, but one of them has three different versions as I got a tad bored and played with the colours a little. :P But still, new walls, be impressed!
Updates - 19th March 2006

Okay, another at update, I forgot to add in some icons the other day, I did 21 icons from the Angel episode 'Dead End' for a challenge, and then forgot to enter any into the challenge! Doh! Oh well, you can view them here.

Next on the agenda, I have a new Veronica Mars wallpaper! Yes another one! I've gone a bit VM mad just now, and I'm working on another as we speak! Well, this one is from the episode Ruskie Business, and again has a Veronica/Logan theme to the wallpaper, I wasn't sure about it at first, but I think I really like. For all my recent walls click here.

And last to add in, (wow, I think I actually have what might qualify as a substantial update for once!) is a new affiliate, Nikki's site Misplaced, so why not head on over there and check out her art! I you're anything like me you'll be swooning over the latest VM additions, :P
Updates - 15th March 2006

Well my exams are over now, my last was today, and it's spring break, woo hoo! So I'm back to update my site again, thank god! I need to catch up and see what I need to update, and get some art done, but for tonight I have a new wallpaper to add, from the Veronica Mars episode 'Wrath of Con' but with a Veronica/Logan twist to it. You can find it with the other Veronica Mars wallpapers. :) Hope you like, though it's not really my fave, :P
Updates - 7th March 2006

Not much of an update today, sorry guys, got a lot of studying for my finals just now. I have however added in a very nice little thank you gift that I got from Mandi, thank you hun I love it! Click here to head over to my gift, :)
Updates - 2nd March 2006

A quick icon update today. I added in the icons I did last week for the Biteable Challenge of the episode 'Something Blue' you can see them here if you want to. I also won 3rd place and mod's choice for the two icons I submitted, and I updated the icon awards page to show other challenges I have had various wins on.
Updates - 27th February 2006

Alright another quick update today! I'm tryin to get a new tagboard sorted out, Sara recommended one to me, so I'll see how that pans out. But for tonight, I am adding in a fabulous new award from Sara at No Promises, who has made Radiance her Site of the Month for March 2006! Thank you so much!
Updates - 25th February 2006

Yes, that's right, RL stuff has taken over again for a little while, but I should be back and getting some updates done this week, very sorry for the absence! I am just doing a quick update today to take down the tagboard, as I have been getting far too much spam on it, and until I figure out a way to stop that, Radiance will remain tag-less. :(
Updates - 15th February 2006

Right, I've added in a bunch of icons that were posted over on my Live Journal, so I have twelve Intervention icons that I did for Spike Stillness. Sixteen Becoming icons for Biteable icons, and lastly two First Date icons for Just Buffy. To check out some of these recent adds, head on over to recent icons.

For those of you who have not yet picked up my Valentines Gift, I have now added it to my gifts section and you can find it here - if you are a friend/affiliate feel free to nab it and link back to me, :D I have also added in three new Valentine's Day gifts that I have received, a huge thank you for sending these my way guys!

Updates - 13th February 2006

Okay, so I disappeared for a few days again, but I have an excuse! It was my Birthday yesterday so since Friday I've had a weekend off - been busy all weekend! Anyway just a quick update today with three birthday gifts that I have received. I will have a proper update very, very soon I swear! In the mean time a huge thank you to Berend, Mandi and Sara for the gifts!

Updates - 7th February 2006

WOW! I am updating like a mad cat this week! I did warn you I was going to attempt to catch up! Anyway today I have a bit of an art update and a bit of a site update. So first of all I have a fabby new award, yay, from Sara at No Promises, thank you very much hun, and you can see this Logan/Veronica centric award here. It's very pretty. :)

And next on the list of updates is some icons! I have two batches of icons for you and you can see a selection of both in the recent icons gallery. I have 16 icons that I did for Spikeskat for her spuffy fanfiction 'Lost in Time'. With some S/B and Spike & Doyle icons for the story, you can see them all here. And my next batch of icons is again 16 altogether, and these are for my next challenge entry at Chosen Hellmouth, and are from the episode 'Innocence'. Click here for these icons! Hope you like them!

Updates - 5th February 2006

Just a little update just now, I've added in a new Veronica Mars wallpaper. It's from the season two episode 'Cheatty Cheatty Bang Bang' and can be found in my recent wallpapers section, or at the above VM link. Hope you like!
Updates - 3rd February 2006

Right, apologies to my precious little site! I haven't been online in a couple of weeks so that I could catch up on everything that I missed at university due to the car accident. So I am very sorry I pulled a vanishing act! I still have a lot of work to do, so I'm not getting rid of my update warning just yet. But I think I'm back now. :P

Okay, first of all, new layout! Yip, in case you didn't notice it already I have finally changed the layout, the previous one had been up for two months now and I thought it was time for a change. So this one is a little bit brighter and bolder than the last. This version is 'Charismatic' and will be online for a little while yet. Hope you like it!

Next and last on the very small list of updates is the new Site of the Month, Infinite Illusions. Bre's site is a fantastic resource for artists with fonts, stock images and textures. She also has a load of art there wallpapers an icons, the usual. There are free layouts to download too. Plenty to keep you busy, and a fab layout at the moment. Hope you guys it like it!

Anyway that's my update for today, I hope to be back with an art update in the next day or two. Let me know what you think of the layout!
Updates - 16th January 2006

An icon update today with loads of challenge entries that I've just done this week. So we have 9 icons I did for this week's Biteable Icons challenge, and 16 for challenge 27 of Just Buffy and lastly a huge bunch of 28 icons I did for the 'Ted' challenge at Chosen Hellmouth. If you just want to see a few from each then head to recent icons!
Update Warning - January 10th

On the 10th January 2006 I was unfortuantely in a car accident and have since been on medication for my back injuries. I have spent a lot of time dealing with insurance, and injury claims, but have also been affected by the pills making me slightly more tired than normal. Due to this I have cut back on my internet time and this may affect my updates on all my websites. Hope you understand.
Updates - 9th January 2006

Okay a slight update today, I am site of the month over at Afterlife I actually received the award the other day just forgot to update with it! Anyway you can view the award here. I also added in my gift for Erica's Birthday! Happy Birthday hun!

I also have two new wallpapers to add in here, firstly a new Buffy wallpaper from season four from the episode 'Who Are You' featuring Willow and Tara. I also added in my first Veronica Mars wallpaper from the season one episode 'Ruskie Business'.
Updates - 6th January 2006

Happy New Year to everyone! Hope you all had a great holiday season. Okay, I am back with a slight update today. I have got two new wallpapers for you. An Amy Acker wallpaper and another wallpaper from the Angel episode 'Epiphany' you can see them over at my recent wallpapers section.

Also an icon update again, :D Yay more icons. This is my first batch of Veronica Mars icons, I have done 36 from the episode 'Ruskie Business' and will hopefully be doing some more VM icons soon. :D Hope you like them all. You can view the whole bunch here!

Lastly for today's update, I have a new Site of the Month - No Promises, a fab site by Sara. This site has absolutely loads of content and a gorgeous Lo/Ve layout at the moment. To read more about the SOTM click here.