Update - 27/08/2009

Okay so not much of an update in terms of wallpapers this time. I have added in four new wallpapers, two Dark Angel one a Max/Alec piece, the other a remake of a season two two piece; there's also a Supernatural season four piece, and a True Blood episodic piece. You can view them all over here!

I have screencapped the following Dark Angel episodes: 2.04 Radar Love, 2.05 Boo, 2.06 Two and 2.07 Some Assembly Required. They are not here at the Radiance gallery, but you can find them at a work-in-progress site: The Dark Angel Online Gallery.

I have also added in 178 new icons, 68 from the Dark Angel episode "Boo" and 110 from the episode "Gill Girl". You can see previews of these on my recent art page or check them out at my Dark Angel Icons page!

Well that's all for now!!
Update - 19/08/2009

Here I go again! Another eight new pieces to add in tonight. I'm back onto a Dark Angel kick right now, so two pieces are from season one, four are from season two - and three of my DA wallpapers are remakes of older pieces. I also added in a Supernatural character piece, and a True Blood episodic piece. You can see all of my latest adds over here, hope you like!
Update - 14/08/2009

Okay... today I am adding in eight new wallpapers!!! Yup, that's right eight! I blame Clement and that damn vending machine challenge to be honest. Lol. Okay, so I have done two Angel episodic pieces, one Buffy episodic piece, three Supernatural pieces one from each of the following seasons: 1, 3 & 4; I've also added in one True Blood episodic piece, and one Dark Angel season two piece! Sheesh that was a long update!
Update - 06/08/2009

Just stopped by quickly to add in six new wallpapers!! I've added two Angel episodic pieces, two Supernatural pieces, one from season three and the other a character piece, one True Blood piece, and just to be completely random one Greys Anatomy piece! You can check them all out on my recent art page!
Update - 03/08/2009

Just a quick update today, I did a Darkest Hour update yesterday and it exhausted me, lol! First of all a huge, HUGE thank you to everyone at Creative Daily for making me your artist of the month, I'm still all giddy - especially with all the kind words you said! To check out my pretty, head on over to my awards page.

And... I have three new wallpapers to add in today, all of which are Supernatural! I have two pieces from season two and one from season four! Or go to my recent art page to see them all!
Update - 31/07/2009

I know it's a tad early, but hey - my August site of the month award goes to Erin Nicole for her website Dearly Devoted to read more about why, click here!

I'd also like to say a huge thank you to Aldieb and CRene for my very pretty awards that I just snagged for their challenges over on Buffy Forums, I got a 1st and 4th place plus 2 participation awards - check them out here. Thank you so much guys!

And, as if that wasn't enough! I have six new pieces of art to add in! I have three True Blood episodic pieces, two Angel episodic pieces and also another Supernatural season four piece! Of course you can also see all of them over at my recent art page!
Update - 27/07/2009

Okay, so first of all I have added in a new affiliate, Monica of Immortal Memories. And second of all I have cleaned up my fanart section by removing a whole bunch of old pieces from the archive. However I have not completely got rid of them all, I have decided to create a Wallpaper Graveyard featuring some of my older pieces that have been deleted from the main archive, just in case curiosity takes you there!

On the art front, I have four new pieces to add in today! I have one piece from supernatural, one piece from angel, and two from True Blood, one an episodic piece and the other character centric. To check out all of my latest pieces, head on over to here!!
Update - 24/07/2009

Super quick update while I get the chance, internet issues! Two new pieces, one Eric/Sookie from True Blood, the other a Supernatural season one piece, see them both here!. Also got four new awards to add in, including an awesome second place award from Joe, view all the pretties here! *hugs*
Update - 16/07/2009

Okay, so quick update today, I have finished off 2 remakes I was working on of old Supernatural pieces, one is a season 2 episodic piece, the other a character piece. I have also just made a new piece from the season four finale, that you can see here. Or, alternatively you can see them all at my recent art page. *hugs*
Update - 14/07/2009

First of all, I have been without a laptop for several days now and just a temporary one to use today so I am squee-ing over the fact that I can come online again, yay!!!

Just got two new pieces of art to add in today. One is a new True Blood episodic piece and the other is an episodic piece from Dark Angel. To see both of them click here!

I have just gone through and updated all of my affiliates since I was being terribly lame and had broken links and old sites listed in there, I hadn't even changed the links for my elite archives, how shocking is that??? Screencaps for Dark Angel 2.02 'Bag 'Em' have now officially been added into the Screencap Gallery too.
Update - 06/07/2009

Some more new art! Just thought I'd stop by and add these in, :D Three new pieces two from True Blood and the other a Dark Angel piece. I have one new True Blood episodic piece and one character piece featuring Sookie, plus an episodic piece from the Dark Angel finale. To see them all click here!

I also wanted to note that I am updating my Screencap Gallery to match with the new layout, and have also added in over 1000 screencaps for each of the season two Dark Angel episodes "Designate This" and "Proof of Purchase" (2.01 and 2.03), and I will be adding in caps for episode 2 "Bag 'Em" tomorrow!
Update - 01/07/2009

Okay, so first of all, it's July 1st which can mean only one thing... AFA nominations begin today!!! But... it also means that June is over and it is time for a brand new site of the month! This month I have awarded Mongrel Minds as my July SOTM!! To find out why and to see the award click here!

Next on the agenda... my awards! I have received two perdy awards from Erin Nicole for her Seven Deadly Sins challenge for participating and getting 6th place, which you can see here!

And last, but never least, new art! Three new pieces all of which are True Blood! I am on a major TB kick right now, spurred on by Wendy my lyricist for the moment! I have literally just finished one of these pieces, so it was only going to be two before she sent me some fab lyrics! :P Okay, so I have two episodic pieces and one pairing piece featuring Sam and MaryAnn. If you want to see all three, head over here!
Update - 23/06/2009

SIX new pieces of art! I've only been gone a few days and I am back with six, it's crazy! Okay so I have two True Blood episodic pieces one from each of the new episodes; I have two season two pieces from Dark Angel, I have a Buffy episodic piece featuring the fang gang, and last but not least a Supernatural episodic piece from IMTOD. Or you can check them all out on my recent art page!

I have also added in a new affiliate, Kris' website When We Collide, so go check it out!
Update - 18/06/2009

Okay, wow! Can I just say... WOW! Stephanie of Immortal Kiss has just named me her artist of the month, WOO! I can't believe it! :D Given my gigantic art hiatus I'm glad to be back and arting this year and this just made me feel all giddy! So a huge thank you! Also you can check out the pretty award by clicking here!

And believe it or not... MORE at! Shocking I know, but hey I seem to have a muse just now so I'm not complaining! I have added in three new pieces an angel episodic piece featuring Fred & Spike in Hell Bound, a btvs episodic piece featuring Angel's siring from Becoming and finally my first supernatural season four episodic piece, from In The Beginning. All of which can be seen on my my recent art page! *hugs*
Update - 11/06/2009

So first of all I want to say woooooo!!!! Ahem. Provenance has now officially moved into it's brand new home at www.the-elite-archives.com/provenance so please update your links!! :D

I have also added update my wallpaper awards with a few that I have won this year! I have added in pretties from Veverka, Fuzzy, Tam and JJ from their challenges over at Buffy Forums, and I was extemely, EXTREMELY excited to have got the first place for my Faith piece from Fuzzy, *huggles you!!*. You can check them all out here!

And... what is an update without some art huh? Three pieces added altogether! Two new Dark Angel pieces, one featuring Alec that you can see on the characters page, and another Max & Alec piece that you can see on the groups page. I have also added in another True Blood piece, this time featuring Sam & Sookie that you can see here. Or alternatively you can check out all three on my recent art page! *hugs*
Update - 08/06/2009

YAWN! I have literally just got back from an event and I am DYING. Lol. But I have just come on to do a quick update with six new pieces of art!!! OOO! I did one True Blood piece featuring Eric & Sookie, and 5 Supernatural re-makes of some pieces. You know the pages, and you can see all the recent art here in one place!.

I also have a new hostee, Alucard has moved his site, Unending over to left-unspoken and re-opened it, so I urge you all to over there and check it out!!! *hugs*
Update - 30/05/2009

Okay... first of all some new art to update with! I have done six new pieces since my last official update, however I did add in three of them to the archive a couple of days ago. Five of which are all True Blood pieces, first of all I have a new Eric & Sookie manip piece that you can see on the couples page here, I have also done a new Pam piece called 'Contradiction' and two versions of a Mary-Ann piece that you can see on the characters page here. And finally, I art-ed a scene from the second book 'Living Dead in Dallas' which was one of the sexiest scenes IMO, lol, which you can see here. I also added in an Angel piece featuring Cordelia that I did some time ago but never got around to adding, you can view it here. Or you can check out all of my latest pieces in one place, right here!

I have also added in my June Site of the Month which I have awarded to the fantastic Wendy of Black Lagoon. To read why click here to hear my gushing over her fabulousness!!

Update - 20/05/2009

Woo! NEW LAYOUTS! Okay, Radiance has been looking a little bit dull to me lately, and I really wanted to give it a make-over as soon as my exams were all over and done with, and so... ta-da! I have now updated Radiance with three new layouts that you can pick from the navigation bar, all of which are based on some wallpapers I've done lately. The three skins are "Ride the Storm" a Dark Angel skin featuring Max and Lydecker, then there is "Mirror Image" featuring Cordelia from "BtVS" and "Angel", and lastly we have "Chase a Dream" featuring Eric & Sookie from the Southern Vampire Myseries novels (and True Blood TV series). Hope you like the new look, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I have worked out all of the coding kinks now! :-D

Update - 02/04/2009

Can I just say, Amber rawks my socks off!! Heh, Amber has given me her first ever "Lifetime Achievement Award" and said loads of lovely things on her site, she's just all kinds of fab! You can see the awesome award I got here! Thanks you so much hun!

Speaking of awards, I have added all of my fabulous awards from this years AFA Awards Ceremony! I got nineteen awards in total, so a huge thank you to everyone that voted for my pieces, I really appreciate it! You can see all of the awards here! I have also added in my first wallpaper award for 2009, from Jennilou for her challenge over at Buffy Forums, thanks hun!

And as if that wasn't enough! I have added in a grand total of - wait for it....SIX new pieces of art, including two new brand new fandoms ;)
I have added in a two new btvs character wallpapers, both featuring the awesomeness that is Eliza Dushku as Faith. I have also done a new Dark Angel Max/Alec piece that you can see here! And my first new fandom is the little UK BBC series Being Human for which I did one piece centred on the character Mitchell, a vampire. And last, but far from least, my newest fandom (that I am making art for) is the fab True Blood! I love the books and the series, and it is about time I got to sit down and make some damn art for it! So I have made two pieces, both featuring pairings from the series, one features Eric & Sookie, and the other Eric & Pam. Of course if you want to check out all of my latest adds, just click here!

Update - 26/03/2009

First of all a huge thank you to Nikki and Linda for making Radiance their March site of the month!! You can see the fab awards I got here! Thanks guys!

I have also added in a few new pieces of art. Believe it or not, they're not my usual fandoms! First of all I have a Gilmore Girls piece featuring Lukes Danes, then I have a BtVS couple piece featuring Spuffy, and an Angelepisodic piece. I actually did another Twilight character piece of Jacob a while ago, but am only just posting it just now! Alternatively, click here to check out all of my most recent additions!

Update - 07/02/2009

First of all I have fixed all of the links that I was asked to change for sites that have moved etc. in my affiliates lists, I still need to go through them all and do a link check though! I also added in four wallpaper awards that I received last year and hadn't yet added, my bad! So thank you to Galathea & SmthBlue for those. :D

I am also adding in another two wallpapers. Firstly I have done another Twilight character piece, featuring Victoria, which you can see here, and I also arted one of my favourite scenes from 'The Host' featuring Ian, Kyle and Wanda, which you can view here! Alternatively, click here to check out all of my most recent additions!

Update - 02/02/2009

My first update in MONTHS! For anyone wondering where I've been - I'm in fourth year at uni doing an honours degree in Maths, and I was basically studying for most of November/December, and as soon as I was done with my exams, that was when the AFA's second annual awards ceremony kicked off, WOO! But, I am still here, and hope to be updating again whenever I get the chance! :)

Today I am adding in six new pieces of art!!!. Yup, believe it or not I have actually been in art-ing in 2009, I just haven't had time to post any of it until now. And even more shockingly, one of the pieces I am added is about 6 months old! So, let's start with the oldest piece - I did a piece on Jacob Black from Twilight, which you can see here!. I read The Host ageeees ago, but couldn't art for it because I suck at fan-casting, but then I met MC Gainey last September (he was in Lost) and he was awesome, but I was re-reading The Host at the time, and somehow he became my Jeb and ever since I've wanted to do a Jeb piece, so you can see it in my new little The Host section - who knows, I may do more Host art soon, I'd like to!

The other four new pieces that I have done are all from one of my original fandoms... Dark Angel! I basically just wanted some widescreen DA art for my laptop, so made 2 new Max/Alec pieces purely for that reason. But then I was in the Dark Angel mood and when I saw Nikki's challenge on the forums, I decided to make some more! I made a piece featuring Max & Lydecker called "Ride the Storm" which can be seen along with the two Max/Alec pieces here. And I have literally just finished off a piece focussing on Joshua for Nikki's challenge, which can be seen here.

See all of my latest art all in one spot - HERE!
Hope you like my latest additions, I hope to be back again sometime soon to do a proper site update as I know a few things are a bit out-dated now!